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10 steps to help you apply to
The Croke Park Community Fund

This step-by-step guide will assist you in filling out the application form for The Croke Park Community Fund.

If you need more help before making an application, you can always get in touch by emailimg  [email protected] or call 01 819 2976

1. Eligibilty -  what groups can apply for support?
  • Your group must be a voluntary, community, residents, or small, local not-for-profit organisation that benefits residents, within Croke Park’s 1.5km community radius 
  • Applications are also considered from groups of residents who come together informally to organise local events or activities, such as street greening groups or street parties.
  • In all cases, 80% of the project’s beneficiaries must be usually resident in the 1.5km community radius & you must be able to show this in your application.

2.  What groups are INELIGBLE to apply? 
  • Applications from private, profit-making, or commercial organisations 
  • Applications from national charitable or not-for-profit organisations 
  • Applications from individuals (e.g. for personal sponsorship)
  • Applications for projects promoting religious or political beliefs

3.  What type of applications will be considered for support?

Local projects which improve the quality of life & build a community spirit for those living near the stadium.  Applications are considered across the following headings:
  • Local environmental projects, street greening initiatives & community gardens
  • Extra-curricular school initiatives that broaden experiences for local pupils  
  • Facilities, activities and services for local people in our community
  • Local arts & heritage projects
  • Local residents’ groups 
  • Local community events & festivals

4.  What type of applications are not considered for support?
  • Projects where there is a clear statutory or public services responsibility (including funding for core school functions & classroom materials)
  • Projects seeking support for salary or routine administration costs e.g. rent, utilities, insurance
  • Projects seeking support for items that mainly benefit individuals (e.g. sports clothing/ dance costumes/band uniforms etc.), where there is no evidence of wider community engagement
  • Projects that involve foreign travel
  • Projects that have started or incurred expenditure before funding is sought or confirmed

5.  Common mistakes to avoid when making your application:
  • No project receives 100% of its costs; typically, projects receive between 50 & 70% of their costs so make sure to budget & outline the costs in your application accordingly.
  • Each group can make one application to the community fund per calendar year.  Only one application from any group will be considered at any one time.  A previous year's application to the fund must be concluded before funding for a new project can be sought.
  • No group will receive funding for the same event or activity for more than three years.  An exception will be made for local groups of volunteers seeking support for street parties & small community events.
6.  Make your application in good time
  • Complete the application form, taking note of the terms & conditions that are included in the application form before submitting
  • Application forms can be completed online, or printed out and completed by hand
  • Make sure you've answered all the questions and submitted your budget costings and quotes  
  • Ensure your application is sent into the stadium ahead of the closing date. If your application has a specific timeline/date it is important that it is received in good time, so try not to leave submissions to the last minute!
7.  What happens after our application is submitted?
  • You will receive an email acknowledgement, within 1 working week of the Community Fund closing date, confirming receipt of your application and information on next steps. 
  • Incomplete applications will be returned for a re-submission so it is important you answer all questions and supply the necessary quotes and costings as outlined on the application form to ensure your application is not held up.
  • The independent committee who administer the fund on behalf of Croke Park meet to assess each round of applications.  All applicants will be notified of the Committee’s decision soon after the meeting taking place. Successful applicants will receive a letter confirming funding allocation & next steps
8.  Getting your project started!
  • You can start your project once you receive your confirmation letter from the stadium.  Don’t forget to take photographs and videos of your project or event which you will need to be able to share with the funding committee when your project is complete.
  • Keep us updated on your progress & if there any unforeseen delays or challenges, please let us know as soon as you can.  Don’t forget, the committee love to be invited along to events & meet with groups that are supported by the Community Fund – make sure to send invitations in good time by email [email protected] or 01 819 2976.

9  Acknowledgement of support
  • All local groups are requested to acknowledge Croke Park’s support through the Community Fund as this helps generate further awareness of the fund in the community area.  Specific guidelines for your project will be enclosed with your funding letter

10.  Finishing your project & drawing down funding
  • Your project must be completed within 12 months of the date confirming the funding award – if there any unforeseen delays, please let us know as soon as you can. 
  • Once the project is complete & you have your receipts &/or invoices in order, please send them along with a short project report & video or photographs of the project into Croke Park for processing. 
  • Funding can be drawn down in 2 tranches if needed. If your group is having difficulties with cash flow & finding it hard to complete your project, please get in touch to see what further help may be available to support your group.