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The Venue of the Future


Here at Croke Park Meetings & Events we’re always wondering what the venue of the future will look like. In fact imagining the venue of the future is what guided our transformation of The Hogan Suite and The Hogan Mezz, two of the larger capacity venues at the stadium. It also informed the creation of The All Stars Suites, our premium meeting and event experience on level 6. 

That’s why we were all over The Meeting Room of the Future when it was released last week by the International Association of Conference Centres (IACC). This brand new report paints a clear and convincing picture of tomorrow’s venue using data from almost 200 organisers of meetings and events from all over the world. The report states that the meeting room or venue of the future will be open, flexible, bright, comfortable with lots of natural light. It’s unlikely to be an auditorium with tiered seating and increasingly likely to be a non-hotel location. Naturally, all this is great news for Croke Park Meetings & Events. Music to our ears! 

You want open, flexible, bright, comfortable meetings and events space? We’ve got it for you at Croke Park along with super-sized buckets of natural light and views over the field of dreams to take the sight out of your eyes! In fact all the takeaways from the IACC publication match perfectly what we offer at Croke Park Meetings & Events. But there’s more. The big emphasis, apparently, in meetings and events now and for the future is on experience creation. 

These days, it seems, delegates don’t want to be lectured at or put to slow death by endless Powerpoint decks (how did we tolerate that?) In fact today delegates don’t want to be delegates at all but participants, directly involved in the process. They want high impact memorable experiences that stimulate their intellect but also trigger their emotions. In the future, to be successful, meetings and events must be holistic, combining advanced technology, super-healthy food and beverage and ultra-flexible event spaces.

That’s what venues we love like Convene in the US and etc Venues in London have perfected. There, it’s all about the total event experience – the wayfinding and navigation around the venue, the seamless WiFi connectivity, the easy-to-find reception and cloakrooms, the co-working spaces where you can drink a great coffee before the meeting starts, the quality of the seating, the on-demand food and beverages, the magnificently configured meeting spaces, the art pieces that you want to take a selfie in front of. 

At Croke Park Meetings and Events we’re taking our inspiration from places that have truly perfected the art of meeting and event organisation. We have an extraordinary venue whose cup overfloweth with sporting, historic and cultural significance but these offer little value to event organisers if all the trimmings of event excellence are not applied - along with a sprinkle of magic from our award winning sales and operations teams!

We’ll be exploring the venue of the future during the forthcoming Event of the Future conference at Croke Park on Thursday, 22 July. We are delighted to be joined for the event by our great friend Mark Cooper, Executive Director of IACC with whom we’ll be discussing the findings of The Meeting Room of the Future.