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Your Questions, Answered

You’re interested in living the dream and becoming a Premium member, but perhaps you have some questions about how it works and what our ticketing policies are like? We’ve put together this list of Premium membership FAQs to try and answer the most common queries.

However, if you have a question that’s not covered here, please feel free to contact us by emailing premium@crokepark.ie.


Premium Level tickets are not sold on a match per match basis, they are only sold only through long-term contracts.
Unfortunately, it’s not possible to swap your seat. Your contract will be linked to a particular seat and this will remain your seat until your contract expires.
Yes. We hope that members will want to keep their seats and we’ll be in touch prior to your contract ending to offer you a renewal package.
Yes, once you become a member it will be easy to purchase additional tickets through the Ticket Exchange facility. All you’ll need is your ID and password. You can purchase up to four additional tickets per game, depending on availability.
Yes. All fans, including infants, toddlers and children, need a ticket to access the Premium Level. This is necessary to comply with safety guidelines and we take the safety of all people attending Croke Park very seriously.
Yes, when you become a Premium seat holder you will get first refusal on tickets for concerts held in Croke Park. So if your favourite artist or band is coming, you can avoid the ticket rush!
Please note that once patrons leave the stadium they will not be granted re-entry. Tickets will only scan once at turnstiles
Yes, ticket re-prints are issued with a new barcode and the original ticket are immediately cancelled. Barcodes will only scan once at turnstiles and any duplicate barcodes will be refused entry on the day.

Join The Waiting List

All Croke Park Premium seats are currently sold out.  Please complete the enquiry form to add your name to the waiting list.

Alternatively email premium@crokepark.ie or call 01 8192300 to contact a member of the Premium Team.