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New home for Croke Park turf!
Recent pitch works here in Croke Park generated 200 tonnes of turf that couldn’t be re-laid. So what did we do with it?
Putting on our sustainability hats here in the stadium and working in partnership with Dublin City Council and St. Anne’s Park in Raheny, we found new green homes for our hallowed soil.
St. David’s BNS Artane, here in Dublin, where Stephen Cluxton is a past pupil, was the first recipient of the turf for use in their school garden and the community allotments in St Anne’s Park, Raheny received the remainder.
Julianne Savage, the stadium’s Community Officer and Colm Daly from our Pitch Team paid a special visit to the allotments to see how the vegetables and plants there are thriving with the well treated soil from the Croke Park pitch.
They also reported that the roof of the bug hotel in the allotment has a very familiar look about it!
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