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Bealtaine Festival with the GAA Museum Book Club

The GAA Museum Book Club is delighted to announce our first live in-person event of the year as part of the Bealtaine Festival.

Our Book Club choice for May is GAA Family Silver by Humphrey Kelleher. Humphrey will join us to chat about his research for the book, taking on such a huge project in retirement and his plans for another GAA-themed release shortly.

The event will also include a tour of the GAA Museum to view some of the trophies which feature in Humphrey’s book. Free tea and coffee will be provided for all guests.

This event takes place at 11am on Wednesday May 25th. Free tickets are available but must be booked in advance. Tickets are limited, so please only book if you can attend.

Book Tickets

Humphrey Kelleher was manager of the Dublin senior hurling team in 2004 and 2005 and has successfully coached a number of Dublin club hurling teams. He represented his native Waterford at various levels in both hurling and football. Professionally Humphrey spent his career in Dublin with Bank of Ireland.